The EFOCC is pleased to present the philatelic community a reprint of Dr. Stanley Segal's work,
Errors, Freaks & Oddities on U. S. Stamps. When it was published in 1979, it was a
ground-breaking achievement, one of the first works focusing on EFOs, and helped place EFO collecting
into the mainstream of philately.
You can read this book in one of two ways.
You can view the pages online by clicking on the items in the table of contents
shown below to see the related pages. Once you are on a content page, you can move from
one page to another by clicking with your mouse on the arrows under the pages.
You can also download the complete book onto your computer by clicking on the link below. If you do that
you need also the PDF Viewer from Adobe software (likely already installed on your computer). Also note
that the file is fairly large, and it might take a while to download to your computer, in particular
if you are using a slow (dial-up) connection.
The reprinted text and/or images have been taken from "Errors, Freaks and Oddities on U.S. Stamps -
Questions Marks in Philately" by Dr. Stanley Segal. The text or images from the book reproduced
on this website and in the PDF are the copyrighted property of United States Stamp Society and
any reproduction of the text and/or images is not permitted without written consent of the United
States Stamp Society. The EFOCC thanks the United States Stamp Society for permission to
present Dr. Segal's book on this site.